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11 Hidden Features in Android 4.4 KitKat



The latest flavor of Android, version 4.4 KitKat, is just a few days old, but enthusiasts and developers alike have already gobbled down and digested it. Besides the tentpole features of improved power efficiency (thus better battery life on any device that runs it) and more sophisticated voice recognition, KitKat has several hidden tidbits for users to snack on.

TechSmartt put its new Google Nexus 5 smartphone through the paces to uncover 11 extras in KitKat and posted the findings in a YouTube video. Our favorite: The Easter Egg in the Settings that lets you spin a giant “K” over and over, plus the stylized Android logo made to look like a KitKat bar Read more…

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Read more : 11 Hidden Features in Android 4.4 KitKat

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