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10 Best Apps for Navigating a New City



J.R.R. Tolkien once wrote, “Not all who wander are lost.”

Today, 6.32 million Americans are living — and wandering — abroad, excluding those in the military. Some move for work, others to explore their options and still others for education — and then never return. Often, the most frequently discussed profession earning Americans gainful employment outside of the United States is teaching English. This is exactly the job of Jacob Putnam, the main character in Caleb Crain’s Necessary Errors, the #MashReads fiction book of the month, in Prague.

From beers with expat friends and lonely nights at his homestay to language immersion and culture shock, it’s safe to say that though Jacob’s story takes place in the ’90s, he would have greatly benefited from these 10 apps. Whether you are looking to stay in touch with American friends back home or just take out cash from the nearest ATM, these international apps come in multiple languages and offer the best in online and offline functionalities, making the expat lifestyle more about finding yourself than getting lost. Read more…

More about Travel, Apps, International, Apps Software, and Lifestyle

Read more : 10 Best Apps for Navigating a New City

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