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Why Phablets Are Huge in South Korea



Phablets are considered by some to be in a kind of no-man’s land among devices — either oversized for a smartphone or too small for a tablet.

On the plus side, phablets, like the Samsung Galaxy Note, combine the features of both types of devices into one product.


The latest figures from app-services provider Flurry shows phablets have carved out a niche. In a worldwide sample of almost 100,000 iOS and Android devices, Flurry found 7% were phablets.

But in South Korea, phablets are a very big deal. According to Flurry Analytics’ data, 41% of mobile devices in South Korea are phablets

Overall, Samsung has a 60% market share in South Korea which tends to favor local manufacturers. Flurry said 85% of devices owned in South Korea were manufactured there. Read more…

More about Mobile Phones, Samsung, South Korea, Tech, and Gadgets

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