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Who Thought Taking Blind People to a Shooting Range Was a Good Idea?



Comedian Jimmy Kimmel is receiving an onslaught of criticism after he brought four blind people to a shooting range for a skit on his show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, on Friday — to “find out, you know, what would happen.”

Iowa is issuing gun permits to the blind, under a state law that makes it illegal to deny permits based on physical disability. So in an attempt to “settle” the controversy over the law, Kimmel orchestrated the stunt

As seen in the above video, Kimmel meets the blind participants and a service dog named Val at the range. Before they begin, an instructor gives the group a safety lesson, which includes a discussion about wearing safety goggles and ear protection. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Tv, Television, Late Night Tv, and Jimmy Kimmel

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