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White House Security Official Fired Over Controversial Tweets



An official on the White House’s National Security Council was fired last week after he was uncovered as the person behind the now-defunct Twitter handle @NatSecWonk

The Daily Beast first reported on Tuesday evening that Jofi Joseph was fired for “leaking internal information,” most of included offensive digs at various public officials and sharp criticism of the Obama administration — his bosses.

One of Joseph’s tweets read “‘Has shitty staff.’ #ObamaInThreeWords”, per The Daily Beast.

The account had accrued more than 1,000 followers, according to, where you can read a small sampling of the deleted account’s tweets and bio. The bio for @NatSecWonk read, “Unapologetically says what everyone else only thinks. A keen observer of the foreign policy and national security scene. I’m abrasive and bring the snark.” Read more…

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