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Which Celebrities Take the Most Selfies?



Some people view selfies as a symptom of the self-centered, self-important “me” generation, while others argue it’s a way for a person to have total control on how they are represented online.

Either way, there’s no doubt that the selfie has become a widely popular technique for taking photos. Even celebrities have adopted the practice, posting their own smartphone self-portraits on their social media accounts for fans. But how prevalent is this trend with stars who are constantly exposed to cameras?

In September 2013, according to this infographic by creative digital agency Fractl, selfies made up nearly 11% of Instagram posts and 2% of tweets from the 50 most-followed celebrities on either social media platform. In total, those 50 celebrities generated 347 selfies on Twitter and almost 4,000 selfies on Instagram. Read more…

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Read more : Which Celebrities Take the Most Selfies?

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