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Where Do All the Socks Go?



Two go in, only one returns: It’s the plight of the sock

The sock-dryer quandary has plagued the world’s brightest minds for millennia. Some have suspected that dryers are wormholes into parallel universes meant only for solitaire socks, but we’ll never know for sure

In this comic, artist Lonnie Easterling from Spud Comics imagines that socks — just as much as people — really dread laundry day

Spud_socks_comicBONUS: 20 Geeky Socks Sure to Knock Yours Off

Comic written and illustrated by Lonnie Easterling from Spud Comics. Published with permission; all rights reserved. Read more…

More about Comic, Comics, Humor, Watercooler, and Socks

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