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Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger Reenact Famous Lines if You Want to Live



Some of the greatest, most epic movie lines in history have undoubtedly come from Arnold Schwarzenegger

Although many of these quotes have taken on a life of their own, with Arnold impressions dominating the web, the actor-bodybuilder-businessman-politician still does it best in his thick Austrian accent

In honor of his most recent film Great Escape, Schwarzenegger spent a day reenacting some of his most famous movie moments, and uploaded them to YouTube.

According to the actor’s final clip of the day, he’ll be back. We’re holding out for Terminator or Junior reenactments Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Lists, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Film, and Watercooler

Read more : Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger Reenact Famous Lines if You Want to Live

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