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Watch Apple’s iPad Air Event in Full



If you were not among the select few to receive an invite to Apple’s exclusive event on Tuesday, the company has made the full-length video of the presentation available for viewing on its website

Clocking in at roughly one hour and 20 minutes, the presentation featured familiar faces such as Apple CEO Tim Cook, who kicked things off, as well as Apple’s Senior Vice President of Software Engineering Craig Federighi and Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller

Together, the trio introduced the new versions of the Mac Pro, the iPad mini and the MacBook Pro. Apple also revealed the replacement to the iPad 4 called the iPad Air, and debuted Mac OS X Mavericks as a free download. The company’s iWork and iLife software apps also received a bit of a refresh as well. Read more…

More about Software, Apple, Mac Pro, Tim Cook, and Tech

Read more : Watch Apple’s iPad Air Event in Full

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