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Want to Work for a Startup? Start Something First



So, you want to ditch the corporate life and go work for a startup. Cool, but do you really understand what that would mean?

Steve Blank, one of the fathers of the Lean Startup revolution, defines a startup as “an organization formed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.” What does that mean? Well, that the company either doesn’t have a working product, it has a working product that no one will buy, or it has a product that sells but can’t figure out how to market and sell the product profitably.

Translation: Working at a startup is nothing short of chaos. You’re trying to make something from nothing (at worst) or trying to fix all of the things that exist but that aren’t working (at best). Oh, and ideally before you run out of money. Read more…

More about Startup, Employment, Startup Job, Startup Tips, and Business

Read more : Want to Work for a Startup? Start Something First

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