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Twitter’s Founders Address All-Hands Meeting Ahead of IPO Filing



Twitter’s three founders made a rare joint appearance at the company’s headquarters on Thursday to address the entire staff amid reports that the company will file its IPO paperwork this week.

Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone and Ev Williams took the stage during the company’s all-hands meeting — referred to internally as Tea Time — to do a question and answer session. Each of the founders has moved on to other companies, though Dorsey and Williams still sit on Twitter’s board and all three have shares in the company.

Dozens of employees from offices all over the world tweeted pictures of the three on stage — this is Twitter, after all — and heaped praise on the three founders for what they help build Read more…

More about Twitter, Biz Stone, Jack Dorsey, Ev Williams, and Business

Read more : Twitter’s Founders Address All-Hands Meeting Ahead of IPO Filing

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