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Twitter Co-Founder Dorsey Offers List of Dos and Don’ts for Success



As the co-founder of Twitter and Square, two of the most high profile tech companies in Silicon Valley, Jack Dorsey can claim at least some sage wisdom in the way of building successful companies

That’s why a recent meeting in which the tech innovator delivered a few choice pieces of advice has drawn the attention of would-be tech moguls, as well as those with vested interests in his companies

These latest comments come just weeks after the release of Hatching Twitter, a book that dented Dorsey’s reputation in some respects

The comments were made during Y Combinator’s Startup School event on Saturday in Cupertino, California. No stranger to making bold pronouncements regarding how to approach business and life, Dorsey laid out a check list of Dos and Don’ts to the assembled audience Read more…

More about Twitter, Software, Startups, Jack Dorsey, and Advice

Read more : Twitter Co-Founder Dorsey Offers List of Dos and Don’ts for Success

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