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Twitter Arrives on TV in India



Technology and platform convergence is the next big thing that businesses are looking for –- whether it be mobile and Internet or Internet and TV. It’s all about a revenue stream for the future.

Airtel Digital TV, an arm of Indian telecommunications company Bharti Airtel, revealed Monday that it has integrated Twitter with its digital TV offerings for the first time. With this new form of convergence, users can actually tweet while watching TV and can view tweets related to their TV shows as well. It launches Tuesday at no extra charge to subscribers.

Jana Messerschmidt, Twitter’s VP of business development and platforms, said, “We are excited to see partners like Airtel innovating with our platform and helping their audience connect with the TV programs they love.” Read more…

More about Twitter, Tv, India, Social Media, and Dev Design

Read more : Twitter Arrives on TV in India

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