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Tips for Trick-or-Treating as an Adult



Growing up can be tough — especially when Halloween rolls around, and you’re suddenly ineligible for all the free candy your neighbors are giving away.

It’s frustrating, but luckily, Mr. Forthright is here to help

He’s taken his grandfatherly charm to YouTube, doling out advice on how to stay forever young. For instance, he recommends carrying around a picture of actor Haley Joel Osment as a child, claiming he’s your sick son and saying that you’re gathering candy on his behalf.

Seems pretty logical to us. After all, even if you’re as far into adulthood as Forthright, that’s no reason to give up on free candy. Read more…

More about Youtube, Viral Videos, Halloween, Watercooler, and Videos

Read more : Tips for Trick-or-Treating as an Adult

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