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Tiny Solar-Powered GPS Device Lets You Track Everything



Imagine a world in which everything you care about could be tracked. You’d never misplace your shoes, keys and bags, or lose track of your loved ones.

Thanks to a tiny, solar-powered GPS tracker that can attach to virtually anything, that future may be possibleRetrievor is a tiny disk that’s around the size of a U.S. quarter, and as thick as four stacked quarters, according to the project’s Indiegogo campaign

As its name suggests, the device aims to help users find all kinds of things. After placing Retrievor in a bag or attaching it to a keychain, users can track the device using a web browser, or via an Android or iPhone app Read more…

More about Gps, Tracking, Gps Tracker, Tech, and Gadgets

Read more : Tiny Solar-Powered GPS Device Lets You Track Everything

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