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Tiny Remote Is Like a Swiss Army Knife for Your Smartphone



Technologists in India have developed a Bluetooth-enabled device that can serve as a lost-and-found, a personal photographer, a pet sitter and a home security system.

Gecko is about the size of a quarter and can be programed to perform a host of functions — kind of like your smartphone‘s very own Swiss Army knife

Through low-energy Bluetooth technology, Gecko is a tiny wireless remote that lets you control your smartphone by shaking or turning it. You can program certain gestures to make an emergency call or skip to the next track on your playlist. It can be synced to your smartphone’s camera or a DSLR to take photos remotely, meaning your selfies aren’t limited to your arm’s length anymore Read more…

More about Mobile, Smartphone, Bluetooth, Tech, and Gadgets

Read more : Tiny Remote Is Like a Swiss Army Knife for Your Smartphone

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