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Tide’s ‘Carrie’ Vine Is Scary Good



Can you get the essence of a full-length movie across in six seconds?

Procter & Gamble’s Tide did an admirable job of summarizing Carrie below:

Though Tide is not generally thought of as brand known for zany humor, it loosened up its image considerably with “Miracle Stain,” an ad that ran during this year’s Super Bowl. The commercial, which featured a stain that looked like Joe Montana, was one of the top-rated ads of the game, according to USA Today

The brand launched its Vine account in August. The Carrie effort is part of a campaign called “Stains Better Be Scared” that Vines scenes from classic horror movies. The remake of the 1976 film (based on Stephen King’s first novel) hits theaters Friday. Read more…

More about Advertising, Marketing, Vine, Procter Gamble, and Business

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