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This Week On The TC Europe Podcast: Dailymotion Is Growing, SwiftKey Gets Better, Cambridge Gets Into VC

TechCrunch Europe Podcast

This week, we talk about SwiftKey releasing a lot of new keyboard layouts and features, Dailymotion expanding to Japan and acquiring a startup in Europe, and Cambridge getting into VC. This is the TechCrunch Europe Podcast, wherein we European writers discuss tech news, as well as what’s happening in our startup scene.

As always, those topics were a great opportunity to talk more about our general thoughts on the tech ecosystem in Europe. Is Dailymotion ‘the YouTube of France’ or is it something else? Is Cambridge the most technologically advanced university in the U.K.? Can keyboard layouts be exciting products? To answer this very last question, yes. For all the others, you’ll have to listen to the show.

Join Steve O’Hear, Natasha Lomas, John Biggs, and Romain Dillet to hear what we think about those topics.

We invite you to enjoy our weekly podcast every Thursday.

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Intro music by Espanto.

Read more : This Week On The TC Europe Podcast: Dailymotion Is Growing, SwiftKey Gets Better, Cambridge Gets Into VC

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