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This Dock Turns Your iPhone Into a Bedside Lamp



The iPhone‘s Flashlight function eliminates the need for a standard flashlight — assuming of course, your phone has enough battery — and a London-based design team has now used that function to create a bedside lamp.

Yael Mer and Shay Alkalay, the talent behind Raw Edges Design Studio, created a few simplistic stands that use the iPhone and its flash to create a makeshift lamp. They recently showcased their designs at the London Design Festival.

The designs incorporate materials like suction cups and rubber to create simple yet modern-looking standsdesignboom released photos of the stands, which look easy enough to use. The team found clever ways to diffuse the iPhone’s flash through materials that resemble a stand and a lampshade Read more…

More about Mobile, Iphone, Design, Iphone Stands, and Tech

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