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The U.S. Isn’t the Only Country in the Spying Business



New revelations about U.S. spies reading the emails of Mexico’s president and eavesdropping on millions of private phone calls in France have proven to be an embarrassment for the Obama administration. But experts aren’t surprised by the news, revealed in documents leaked by former intelligence analyst Edward Snowden.

France summoned the U.S. ambassador to express its outrage over the incident, which was revealed Monday in the French newspaper Le Monde. French Prime Minister Ayrault said, “It’s incredible that an allied country like the United States at this point goes as far as spying on private communications that have no strategic justification, no justification on the basis of national defense.” Read more…

More about France, Germany, Us Government, Spying, and Mexico

Read more : The U.S. Isn’t the Only Country in the Spying Business

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