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The Twitter IPO By The Numbers

Screen Shot 2013-10-03 at 3.00.18 PM

Here are some accumulated statistics from our scouring of the Twitter IPO filing for your perusal. The overall number show a company with good but slowing growth in users, solid revenue in mobile but no profit yet to show.

Twitter is absolutely a mobile-friendly company, with some 75% of its monthly active users coming on portable devices. About 65% of its ad revenue comes from there too, in sharp contrast to Facebook, which had no mobile revenue at the time of its IPO.

  • Daily Active Users – Over 100M
  • Monthly Active Users  – 218.3M
  • Revenue 2010 – $28.3M
  • Revenue 2012 – $316M
  • Revenue 2013 1st half – $253M
  • Loss 2012 – $79.4M
  • Loss 2013 1st half – $69.3M
  • Shares of Stock Issued – 472,613,753
  • Accumulated Deficit – $418.5M
  • MAUs on mobile – 164M, that’s 75%
  • Ad revenue from mobile – 65%
  • Tweet impressions – 30B
  • Total tweets – 300B
  • Spam (Fake) Accounts – 5%
  • R&D As Pct of 2012 Revenue – 37.5%
  • R&D in 2013 1st half – $111.8M
  • Websites Integrating Twitter – 3M
  • Registered Twitter Apps – 6M
  • Patents – 6
  • Liabilities – $255.9M
  • International Revenue 2012 – $53M
  • International Revenue 2013 1st half – $62.8M
  • Employees – 2,000

Image Credit: Bruce McKay

Read more : The Twitter IPO By The Numbers

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