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The End of Blind Search: YPlan Has Your Last-Minute Friday Night Plans



The Launchpad is a series that introduces Mashable readers to compelling startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here.

Name: YPlan

One-Liner Pitch: A curator of relevant events within the next 48 hours that lets you purchase tickets in two taps

Why It’s Taking Off: The iPhone app operates as a personalized concierge catering to last-minute planners looking a shortlist of events where tickets are still available

Rytis Vitkauskas and Viktoras Jucikas (pictured above) were working late one night and wanted to blow off some stream — ideally, somewhere they could throw back a few beers and enjoy some live music. They spent an hour on Google, looking for a nearby show or event to swing by, but found little luck Read more…

More about Startups, Iphone Apps, Business, Apps Software, and Yplan

Read more : The End of Blind Search: YPlan Has Your Last-Minute Friday Night Plans

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