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The 10 Cities Most Affected by U.S. Government Shutdown



The U.S. government shutdown is nearly two weeks old and residents across the country are feeling its effects in one way or another.

When Congress could not agree on whether or not to include adjustments to or a delay of the Affordable Care Act (colloquially known as “Obamacare”) as part of a spending bill that would allow the government to pay its bills, about 800,000 federal employees deemed “non-essential” were furloughed on Oct. 1.

Due to the shutdown, national parks and monuments are closed, many federal agencies have temporarily taken down their websites and stopped updating social media accounts, Head Start programs for children have closed, and the panel appointed to review the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs was furloughed, while the NSA continues to surveil. Read more…

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Read more : The 10 Cities Most Affected by U.S. Government Shutdown

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