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Take Lessons Adds New Categories for In-Person or Online Learning



Online learning is on the rise, but some things are better taught in person — such as piano. But with webcams, even the arts can be taught remotelyTake Lessons offers both options to students and teachers, and on Thursday announced its platform would be available to more categories in addition to the arts and music lessons it is known for

What’s unique about Take Lessons is that the site specializes in one-on-one instruction (while Skillshare, Coursera and other education sites scale by pairing one instructor with many, many students). The technology Take Lessons originally developed for music teachers allows them to schedule lessons, collect payments and communicate with clients, all from their smartphone. Naturally, this technology extends to those teaching tennis lessons or offering tutoring to students Read more…

More about Startups, Education, Lifestyle, Family Parenting, and Take Lessons

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