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Tailored Tweets, Coming to a Country Near You



Twitter offers a large target for marketers hoping to drive home a specific message — and its accuracy is improving

A new tool, offered through Twitter’s API, allows marketers to send targeted tweets to specific geographic locations. For example, a brand could send a tweet to followers in the United States and a separate tweet to users in Japan from the same account. The tweets will not show up to followers in the brand’s Twitter timeline unless those followers reside in the country targeted

This capability makes it possible for brands to consolidate their Twitter accounts, eliminating the need for different accounts for various countries or languages. It also lets brand target messages more directly to consumers by sending offers or promotions to followers in a specific region or create customized content for a specific country Read more…

More about Advertising, Twitter, Marketing, Twitter Api, and Business

Read more : Tailored Tweets, Coming to a Country Near You

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