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Square Cash Streamlines Swapping Money via Email



Square introduced Square Cash Tuesday, a new way to send and receive cash from your friends or acquaintances using email — no account or sign-up required.

“The idea is to allow anyone to send money to anyone else using the tools in their pocket,” Square’s Brian Grassadonia told Mashable. Built on top of email, the service lets you send money by sending an email to your friend with an amount as the subject line and copying on the message

To collect funds, you click a link in your received email, which takes you to the Square Cash website. Once there, you enter in the debit card information for the account you’d like Square to deposit the money into. After you’ve accepted funds at an email address, you can then send them from the same address using the same debit card. Or you can begin by entering your debit card information into the website to send funds. Read more…

More about Cash, Square, Mobile Payments, Business, and Startups

Read more : Square Cash Streamlines Swapping Money via Email

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