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Sony QX10: A Funky, Overpriced Lens Camera for Your Smartphone



I can almost guarantee you’ve never used a camera like the Sony QX10 before. A camera attachment for your smartphone that already has a built-in camera, you say? Isn’t that redundant? For the most part, yes, but using the lens-shaped camera together with a smartphone is just so weird — and different — that it makes photography feel refreshing again.

Sony has two lens-camera models up its sleeve: the QX10 and the higher-end QX100. Aside from the obvious price difference ($250 for the QX10, $500 for the QX100), the QX10 has fewer megapixels (18.2 vs. 20.2), a smaller image sensor (1/2.3-inch vs. 1.0-inch), smaller maximum aperture (f/3.3 vs. f/1.8) and no manual focus Read more…

More about Reviews, Sony, Lenses, Cameras, and Smartphone Accessories

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