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Social Media’s ‘Side Door’ Grants Unprecedented Access



Want Marissa Mayer to notice you? You’d be better off sending her a tweet than emailing her your resume. The Yahoo CEO has said that the company receives 12,000 resumes a week, making it unlikely that yours will ever cross her desk. On the other hand, just last week, 11 of Mayer’s Twitter followers pledged that they’d make Yahoo their homepage if the elusive CEO acknowledged them. Mayer personally retweeted every one of their requests within the hour. You do the math.

Sites like Twitter — as well as LinkedIn, Facebook and personal blogs — serve as gateways to even the most hard-to-reach figures. These gateways, or “side doors,” are leveling the playing field for accessing key players in every industry. Read more…

More about Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, Linkedin, and Social Media

Read more : Social Media’s ‘Side Door’ Grants Unprecedented Access

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