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Project Ara: Motorola Wants to Make Your Smartphone Modular



Google’s Motorola has unveiled Project Ara, an open hardware platform for building modular smartphones

The idea behind the project, led by Motorola’s Advanced Technology and Projects group, is to turn almost everything in a smartphone — display, keyboard, battery, processor — into a module that can be replaced

Motorola envisions two basic components of such a smartphone: an endoskeleton (or endo), the structural frame that holds all the pieces together, and the modules which are fitted on the endo

project ara

The concept should give you, the user, the power to decide what goes into your phone: how it looks, how much it costs and what it does. As Motorola puts it, all of this should do for hardware what the Android platform has done for software. The results should be a third-party developer ecosystem and faster innovation, among other things Read more…

More about Motorola, Tech, Mobile, and Project Ara

Read more : Project Ara: Motorola Wants to Make Your Smartphone Modular

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