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Pinterest, Getty Images Sign Deal to Bring More Detailed Info to Pins



It’s been a busy week for Pinterest. The company on Friday announced a new deal with Getty Images that will provide more detailed information on the photos users pin on the site

The deal comes just one day after reports surfaced that Pinterest raised an additional $225 million in funding, bringing the company’s valuation as high as $4 billion

Whenever a user pins a Getty image that’s already out there on the web, the metadata that Getty has on file for that image — including the description, photographer and date taken — will appear alongside that photo on the user’s pin board. Pinterest will pay Getty for all of the data they include alongside photos. Pinterest would not disclose the financial terms of the deal. Read more…

More about Partnership, Valuation, Getty Images, Pinterest, and Startups

Read more : Pinterest, Getty Images Sign Deal to Bring More Detailed Info to Pins

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