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Party With TechCrunch At Disrupt Berlin


Picture Berlin in your mind: If you’re a lucky attendant of the Disrupt Europe conference, to be held there in just under two weeks, this of course includes amazing panelists, speakers, and Battlefield companies. But Berlin is a city in which people party for not hours, not for days, but for entire weekends.

So who’s down to come to the Disrupt Europe parties?

In the past, Disrupt after-parties were only available to Disrupt attendees. A ticket to Disrupt costs anywhere between €714.00 and €952.00, and grants attendees access to the Hackathon demoes, the entire conference as well as each night’s party.

However, if you can’t make it out to the whole conference and simply want to hang out at one (or all) of the parties, you can purchase tickets to each for €30.

Or you can head over here and buy full conference tickets.

In either case, there will be booze, good conversation, and a high concentration of geeks in one place.

Monday, October 28th

Tuesday, October 29th

Read more : Party With TechCrunch At Disrupt Berlin

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