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Nobel Peace Prize Winner Notified Via Twitter



When the Nobel Peace Prize committee couldn’t reach the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on Friday morning to announce its win, it turned to a platform that would help get its attention: Twitter.

The Nobel Prize’s Twitter account (@Nobleprize_org) sent a tweet to the OPCW nearly 20 minutes after the announcement that the organization received the coveted honor

@OPCW Please contact us @Nobelprize_org we are trying get through to your office.

— Nobelprize_org (@Nobelprize_org) October 11, 2013

The Nobel Prize organization was persistent via Twitter, tweeting that they had not yet been in touch with the OPCW — and tagging them in another tweet. Read more…

More about Twitter, Nobel Peace Prize, Us World, Us, and World

Read more : Nobel Peace Prize Winner Notified Via Twitter

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