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Nearly 75 percent of the UK can now access 30Mbps+ broadband speeds

fiber 520x245 Nearly 75 percent of the UK can now access 30Mbps+ broadband speeds

The UK telecoms watchdog Ofcom has revealed that nearly three quarters (73 percent) of the UK can now access ‘superfast’ broadband speeds of 30Mbps or above, marking a nearly 10 percent increase since 2012.

Revealed today in Ofcom’s annual Infrastructure Report update, which used data collected up until June this year, it also noted that during the same period the number of people willing to pay for these headline speeds of more than 30Mbps had more than doubled, from 10 percent to 22 percent.

In real terms, this means that 4.8 million customers are now on packages faster than this figure, and with faster speeds come higher data usage. Indeed, in June alone the UK’s fixed-line broadband connections saw some 650 million gigabytes of traffic.

The report also looked at mobile coverage on the UK’s roads for the first time and found that  just 35 percent of the length of the UK’s A and B roads are served by all four 3G networks, and 9 percent has no 3G coverage at all.

Ofcom also noted that the number of public hotspots at places like restaurants, cafes and a variety of other places had doubled over the last year, up to 34,000 from 16,000 the previous year.

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