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NBA Team Apologizes for Tweeting Pic of Fan in Halloween Blackface



It started with good intentions, but the sports world’s latest cringe-worthy social-media fail comes from an NBA team that tweeted a photo of a fan wearing blackface

On Sunday night, the Utah Jazz posted a photo of two fans dressed up for Halloween as legendary duo John Stockton and Karl Malone. Here, via SB Nation is the photo in question:


Did the Jazz social-media producer on duty not look closely enough at the photo? Not understand how and why blackface is a wildly offensive concept to many people? Either way, the post was quickly deleted, and the Jazz offered this apology:

We apologize for the last retweet/tweet moments ago, we have taken it down as it may be insensitive.

— Utah Jazz (@utahjazz) October 27, 2013 Read more…

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