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MythBusters Experiment: Tweet at This Plant to Help It Grow



Some green thumbs insist that talking to plants helps them grow and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science is putting that popular idea to the test with a technological twist.

As part of “MythBusters: The Explosive Exhibition,” the museum created an interactive experiment that lets anyone tweet at a plant at the museum through the project’s official website. The unique message gets turned into robotic speech that then travels through a speaker to the plant

The museum teamed up with the agency Carmichael Lynch, an organization that focuses on digital media, public relations and more, to create a special tweet-to-speech technology. Visitors to the official site can actually hear the technology at work; as a new tweet comes in, the robot sounds it out Read more…

More about Mythbusters, Tech, Denver Museum Of Nature And Science, and Plants

Read more : MythBusters Experiment: Tweet at This Plant to Help It Grow

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