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Michael Jordan Spars With NBA Star in Bizarre Internet Rivalry



Perhaps you remember the video from earlier this week in which Michael Jordan explains to the world, “I’m not a Twitterer, I’m not a twerker.” But that revelation is actually only the clip’s second-most interesting peek inside M.J.’s mind

He also recounted a story from his summer camp several year back. It went something like this

Current NBA player O.J. Mayo came to the camp when he was a high school phenom. He talked a whole bunch of smack to Jordan — who would have been retired and a couple years over 40 at the time — telling the greatest player of all time he couldn’t hang. Jordan then told Mayo, “Look, you may be the best high school player but I’m the best player in the world.” Then Jordan proceeded to school Mayo at basketball, putting the cocky youngster back in his place Read more…

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