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Michael Jordan: ‘I’m Not a Twitterer, I’m Not a Twerker’



This just in: Michael Jordan does not tweet, twerk or Facebook. He is old school

The greatest basketball player of all time divulges this fact at the 3:58 mark of the video above, explaining, “I’m not a Twitterer, I’m not a twerker, I’m not a Facebooker. I am a … nothin’ … I’m old school.”

His Airness then shows his age (he recently turned 50) by asking, “What is twerking, by the way?” It appears Mike thinks twerking is some sort of new social network, and with the Cyrus-appropriated dance‘s recent viral appeal, he’s really not so far off Read more…

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Read more : Michael Jordan: ‘I’m Not a Twitterer, I’m Not a Twerker’

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