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Mark Zuckerberg Makes First Known Investment in Startup



Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is making his first known investment in a startup, a firm called Panorama Education that uses data analysis to attempt to improve education.

The Cambridge, Mass.-based Panorama announced Monday that it raised $4 million in seed funding led by Zuckerberg’s Startup:Education fund. Other investors include Jeff Clavier’s SoftTech VC, Google Ventures, Ashton Kutcher’s A-Grade Investments and Yale University.

Panorama claims to be the only company providing a survey and analytics platform specifically designed for K-12 schools. The company applies “data-driven solutions” to educational issues. The platform is being used in more than 4,000 schools serving more than 1 million students. Read more…

More about Mark Zuckerberg, Startups, and Business

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