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Mac Pro Posters Show Off Apple’s Design Pride



Last week’s Apple event may have been primarily devoted to the iPad, but that doesn’t mean the Cupertino, Calif. company isn’t proud of its design-centric update to the Mac Pro. That pride shines through in a new set of posters, revealed on Monday, which feature the workstation.

Apple sent the posters to Seattle Times columnist Jeff Carlson, who quickly shared the images on Flickr. Carslon, an Apple connoisseur and the author of The iPad for Photographers, was impressed by the company’s attention to detail, which is present even in its packaging

“What strikes me more than the images is the tube: It’s not some cheap mailing tube you’d get in an office supply store,” Carlson said in a post on Tidbits, an online newsletter devoted to Apple’s Macintosh Read more…

More about Apple, Design, Hardware, Mac Pro, and Tech

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