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LoveRoom Is Like Airbnb, but Ugly People Need Not Apply



A new startup called LoveRoom is sure to spark a lot of hate.

The company facilitates room rentals, but only to attractive people, making it sort of a mashup of Airbnb and Hot or Not with a dash of Bang With Friends (a.k.a Down). The concept, which also borrows from the controversial Beautiful People no-uglies dating site, is the brainchild of Joshua Bocanegra, a Los Angeles-based entrepreneur who previously founded Interesther, a dating app that lets applicants film videos of themselves to meet prospective paramours

Bocanegra describes LoveRoom as a “standard dating site where users search age range, location, gender and sexual preference.” Here’s the twist: “Once a user finds someone that visually sparks their interest, they can rent their living space — a full apartment, room, futon or an airbed.” Read more…

More about Startups, Airbnb, Business, Bang With Friends, and Loveroom

Read more : LoveRoom Is Like Airbnb, but Ugly People Need Not Apply

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