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LinkedIn Releases ‘More Modern’ Mobile App for iOS 7



LinkedIn updated its iPhone app on Wednesday, providing a new look to the app that the company calls “flatter, cleaner and more modern” to fit within the iOS 7 operating system

The new version of the app, which is available in the App Store immediately, also allows users to accept or pass out endorsements within the app, a feature that was previously unavailable

The professional network also updated the look of its mobile newsreader app, Pulse, which the company acquired back in April as part of its attempt to offer valuable news content alongside users’ professional profiles. In addition to Pulse’s new design, which experienced changes similar to the LinkedIn app, users can now swipe between articles within the app or back to the home screen Read more…

More about Iphone, Pulse, Linkedin, Update, and Tech

Read more : LinkedIn Releases ‘More Modern’ Mobile App for iOS 7

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