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Lenovo Yoga Tablet Grabs a Design From Sony’s Reject Pile



The first big product that Lenovo is launching under the celebrity auspices of Ashton Kutcher is a tablet with a design that Sony abandoned. The Yoga Tablet has a large cylindrical grip along the length of the device, which can be better for one-handed reading.

It’s also better at making your tablet less sleek and slim overall, which is probably why Sony discontinued its Tablet S line in favor of the chiseled rectangular design of its Xperia smartphones.

However, Lenovo may think it’s improved upon the concept in its 8- and 10-inch Yoga Tablets, introducing a mini inch-long stand that folds out from the back along a hinge in the grip. The stand props the tablet up when you want to, say, sit back and watch movies. And when you want to lean in and do some serious tapping or swiping, just rotate the tablet 180 degrees into “tilt” mode, and let the top of the display rest on the stand, similar to a drafting table (or a Fox News workstation). Read more…

More about Android, Lenovo, Tablets, Tech, and Gadgets

Read more : Lenovo Yoga Tablet Grabs a Design From Sony’s Reject Pile

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