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Jeff Bezos’ Commercial Space Startup to Launch Sub-Orbital Flights



Here is the near-term future for Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos’s commercial space startup: Any day now, the company will begin making sub-orbital flights. Blue Origin will let researchers and other companies take a payload up into space — topping out at 328,084 feet — for about three to four minutes. The hope is that Blue Origin will be able to do this at a moment’s notice and do it often.

“You will tell us that you need to get on the pad that morning,” said Erika Wagner, the business development manager at Blue Origin, during a commercial space conference held last weekend in Silicon Valley. “We will roll out of the garage. We will do a countdown and goThis is gas and go. This is not sitting on the launch pad for months.Read more…

More about Space, Jeff Bezos, Science, Elon Musk, and Spacex

Read more : Jeff Bezos’ Commercial Space Startup to Launch Sub-Orbital Flights

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