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iPhone 5S Sales Outpacing iPhone 5C by More Than Double



The iPhone 5S is outselling the lower-cost iPhone 5C by more than two to one.

According to Consumer Intelligence Research Partners data — as first reported by AllThingsD — the 5S made up 64% of iPhone sales since the latest-generation devices launched in September. The 5C accounted for 27%, while the iPhone 4S made up 9%.

The data comes several weeks after analytics firm Localytics reported a 3.5 to 1 lead for the iPhone 5S over the 5C.

iPhone 5S Stats

However, the iPhone 5 had a slightly more successful launch than the iPhone 5S with 68% of new sales (compared to 64% accounted by the 5S). Of course, the iPhone 5 didn’t launch alongside a brand-new, lower-cost model, and the iPhone 5S did. Read more…

More about Mobile, Apple, Tech, Iphone 5s, and Iphone 5c

Read more : iPhone 5S Sales Outpacing iPhone 5C by More Than Double

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