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iPad Air Recap: Watch Today’s Apple Headlines in 3 Minutes



Apple unveiled a slew of new products at its event in San Francisco on Tuesday. The stars of the show include the lightweight iPad Air; a new iPad mini with Retina; the launch date for new desktop operating system, OS X Mavericks; a revamped iLife and iWork; a line of new MacBook Pros; and the price and release date for the Mac Pro.

A theme of the day was light, thin — and free.

The iPad Air weighs just 1 pound, and is two millimeters thinner than the iPad 2‘s 9.5 millimeters. The iPad Air and iPad mini both received A7 processors, which allow for smaller batteries, and the mini picked up a Retina display this time around. Read more…

More about Mac, Garageband, Ipad, Imovie, and Apple Event

Read more : iPad Air Recap: Watch Today’s Apple Headlines in 3 Minutes

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