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Internet Both Helps and Harms Teens at Risk of Suicide



The Internet can be both a positive and negative influence on teens and young adults who are at risk of harming themselves or committing suicide, a new review suggests.

On the one hand, some studies show that Internet forums — where users post questions and comments, and interact with each other — provide support for youth who engage in self-harm or are suicidal, or help them to cope. But other studies show the Internet can have a negative influence on this vulnerable group, such as by providing information on how to self-harm, or how to hide their behavior.

Overall, very few rigorous studies have explored how the Internet affects young people at risk for suicide and self-harm, so much more work is needed on the topic, the researchers said Read more…

More about Internet, Suicides, Teens, Suicide Prevention, and Facebook

Read more : Internet Both Helps and Harms Teens at Risk of Suicide

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