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Inspired By Film, Dubble Is A Photo-Sharing App That Turns Your Shots Into Digital Double Exposures


Photo-sharing has a new contender for your eyeballs. Meet Dubble: an app for iOS 7 made by a U.K. startup that lets you spice up your selfies by randomly pairing them with a photo taken by someone else. The app digitally combines two separate shots into one by overlaying them over each other. The result mimics the double exposure effect that’s possible on film photography (i.e. when you shoot a roll, and then rewind it and shoot over it a second time – overlaying a second exposure over the first).

Adam Scott, co-founder and CEO, of Dubble (and also the ex-MD of Lomography UK), which has just launched its free-to-download app on iOS, explained how he came up with the concept for the app.

“I come from quite a strong photographic background, and I’ve always been really passionate about film photography. There’s still a massive quality on film that you can’t really get on digital… and one of the things I really like about film is this unexpected feeling you get from getting your films developed, or taking a Polaroid and waiting for that to develop over time,” he told TechCrunch.

“To take that kind of feeling to the next level is double exposures. They’re super unpredictable, and random. And impossible to plan. And one of these other features within the film community is where people do doubles – where you shoot a roll of 35mm film, rewind it and send it to someone to shoot over. And then you get this kind of interaction with someone… I really loved this kind of movement. And it’s something I wanted to bring to the smartphone.”

Here’s a single shot I took with the Dubble app:

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