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In a Growing Asian Trend, Samsung Wants Silicon Valley Companies



There is one current paradigm that rules over Asia these days. It’s that Asians are obsessed with Silicon Valley. Asian founders, startup community organizers and wantrepreneurs (a wannabe entrepreneur) get all googly eyed when the likes of Google and Facebook fly all the way out to Asia to network and give talks. It’s the power of the Silicon Valley brand. But there’s a quiet movement brewing that’s unbeknownst to the fanboys. It’s a slow shift in the other direction.

Samsung is Going to Start Acquiring Silicon Valley Startups

That’s right. Samsung, a South Korean company, is looking to acquire Silicon Valley startups — and not just any startup. On its list are gaming-related companies like Unity Technologies, Green Throttle Games and the legendary Atari, which created the first game for the computer. Read more…

More about Startups, Samsung, Business, Asia, and Silicon Valley

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