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Iconic Homebrew Computer Club to Reunite Thanks to Kickstarter



The legendary computer club where Apple co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak first showed off their early retail computers is reuniting next month

Tech-savvy members of the Homebrew Computer Club are scheduled to present at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif., the same city where tech giants Google and LinkedIn now have their headquarters

A Kickstarter campaign, which aimed to raise $16,000 to fund the reunion, announced that the event will take place on Nov. 11. Original members of the club will be on hand to “celebrate their legacy and to impart their wisdom to the next generation of hackers and creators whose innovations will shape the future,” according to the Kickstarter page Read more…

More about Apple, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Kickstarter, and Tech

Read more : Iconic Homebrew Computer Club to Reunite Thanks to Kickstarter

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