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How May We Hate You? A Tumblr for the Service Industry



Each year, over 39 million tourists flock to Times Square. It’s loud, crowded and full of eccentric people. Most New Yorkers know to avoid it, but others just have to deal with it. Thankfully, two hotel concierges figured out a way to cope with the insanity: creating a Tumblr called, How May We Hate You?

Launched in October, the Tumblr documents the concierges’ (comedians Anna Drezen and Todd Dakotah) insane interactions with guests at an unnamed hotel in Times Square. Read on for a sampling of the exchanges.

When a guest needed a salon appointment: Read more…

More about Blogs, Tumblr, Comedy, Hotel, and Watercooler

Read more : How May We Hate You? A Tumblr for the Service Industry

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